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European launchers and former French launcher programs are responsible of 7.2% of orbiting rocket bodies. With the French space act coming into effect, reentry of launcher parts and satellites launched from the French territory must be compliant with both on-ground casualty risk assessments of 10-5 for controlled reentries 5.10-4 for uncontrolled reentries. Satellites operators and launcher companies have also to carry on-orbit end-of-life disposal manoeuvers in order to reenter in less than 25 years or send the vehicle in a safe cemetery way far from the GTO orbit, the goal being to limit risks for exposed populations, to reduce the debris population density on key-orbits and to reduce in-orbit collision. In particular, Airbus Safran Launchers is now responsible for safety studies and risk mitigation regarding its new launcher Ariane 6. A roadmap regarding space debris activities have been implemented over a 5-year- timeline with the French space agency CNES to develop the tools needed to assess fragmentation and survivability of launcher stages and other man-made objects. In the scope of Ariane 6 developments, these tools are now being implemented and test cases are needed for validation purposes.
The focus of this paper aims at presenting the new version of the Airbus Safran Launchers survivability tool, ADRYANS® V5.0. It is an object object-oriented software that is part of the complete reentry fragmentation platform. This new version can compute 1-dimensional thermal and chemical ablation response on metallic and composite materials like CFRP.
As of today, no other object object-oriented code has the ability to model the composite materials [1][2][3] that are present on launchers and satellites. Such approach allows for rapid computation of aerothermal heat fluxes and thermal responses on simple shapes like spheres, cylinders, boxes, cones or a flat plates. Several test cases will be presented with special focus on the survivability of common materials present on the Ariane 5 and future Ariane 6 launcher family.
[1] Martin, C. et al. (2005) Debris Risk and Mitigation Analysis (DRAMA) Tool final report. Qinetiq/KI/Space/CR050073
[2] Dobarco-Otero, J et al. (2005). The Object Re-entry Survival Analysis Tool (ORSAT) Version 6.0 and its Application to Satellite Entry, 56th International Astronautical Congress
[3] Omaly, P. and Spel, M (2012), DEBRISK, a tool for Re-entry Risk Analysis, 5th IAASS Conference, Versailles