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The NEar real-time MOnitoring System (NEMO) is a project developed by University of Oldenburg, Germany, and since January 2020 is being operated by ESA [1, 2]. It collects information for bright fireballs on a global scale. This presentation will give a concise description of NEMO, its aims, working principle and, in particular, the current status and the expected future developments.
[1] Drolshagen, E., et al., 2019, NEMO - NEar real-time MOnitoring system, In Proc. of the International Meteor Conference, Petnica, Serbia, 21-24 September 2017 (Eds. M. Gyssens & J.-L. Rault), pp. 38-41.
[2] Ott, T., et al., 2019, NEMO - The NEar real-time MOnitoring system for bright fireballs, In Proc. of EGU General Assembly Conference.